
Welcome to Steven Durbin Photography. I specialise in landscapes, images from the natural world and other sights and settings that have inspired me through their natural beauty, texture and light. I like to find beautiful images and the galleries here share my current favourites.



I travel a lot for both business and pleasure and am always struck by a sense of wonder at some of the amazing things I see. My city photographs capture the essence of this. I love to create pictures that get to the character of places I visit. That say something of its story in ways that words can never do.



One of the themes you'll find coming through in all my photography, but especially my photographs taking in nature, is that of light. I am intrigued to watch how the absence or presence of the sun, the angle at which it shines, plays with the elements of stone, earth, water to illuminate aspects of them in interesting ways.



You'll notice I rarely photograph people. The people you do see in my images are there because they capture something either that appeals to my sense of humour or because they are part of the story that I want the image to tell.


Thank you for visiting my site, I hope you enjoy my photographs.

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